Pioneer Woman Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting

Pioneer Woman Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting

This Pioneer Woman Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting recipe is made with all-purpose flour, baking soda, salt, butter, sugar, eggs, sour cream, vanilla extract, bananas, cream cheese, and powdered sugar. It takes 70 minutes to make and serves 12 people.

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💛 Why You’ll Love This Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting Recipe:

  • Moist and Flavorful: The ripe bananas add moisture and a rich flavor to the cake, making each bite irresistible.
  • Easy to Make: With simple ingredients and straightforward instructions, this recipe is perfect for both beginner and experienced bakers.
  • Creamy Frosting: The smooth cream cheese frosting pairs perfectly with the banana cake, creating a decadent and indulgent treat.
  • Crowd-Pleaser: Whether it’s a family gathering or a potluck, this cake is sure to impress and satisfy everyone’s sweet tooth.
  • Versatile: Enjoy a slice for breakfast, dessert, or any time you crave a delicious homemade treat.

❓ What Is Pioneer Woman Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting Recipe?

Pioneer Woman Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting is a moist dessert made from bananas, flour, sugar, and cream cheese. It’s renowned for its creamy texture and delightful taste, earning its name from its rustic origins.

Pioneer Woman Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting
Pioneer Woman Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting

🍌 Pioneer Woman Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting Ingredients

For The Banana Cake

  • 2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ½ cup butter, softened
  • 1 ⅓ cups sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 4 medium bananas, mashed (about 2 cups)

For The Cream Cheese Frosting

  • 8 oz cream cheese, room temperature
  • ½ cup butter, room temperature
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3 cups powdered sugar

🥮 How To Make Pioneer Woman Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting

  1. Warm the oven up to 350° and spray two 8-inch cake pans with nonstick spray right before you fill them.

Banana Cake

  1. Mix the butter and sugar in a big bowl until they are smooth.
  2. After you add the eggs and mix them in, add the sour cream and vanilla and mix them in again.
  3. Then, add the salt, baking soda, and flour. Beat just until everything is mixed together.
  4. Add the mashed bananas and mix everything together.
  5. Spread the batter evenly into the cake pans that have been prepared. Bake for about 35 to 40 minutes, or until a toothpick stuck in the middle comes out clean.

Cream Cheese Frosting

  1. Mix the cream cheese and butter in a medium bowl until they are well mixed. Then add the vanilla.
  2. Slowly add the powdered sugar and beat it in until it’s smooth and creamy.
  3. After the cake has cooled, frost it and enjoy!

💭 Recipe Tips:

  • Ensure bananas are fully ripe for optimal sweetness and flavor.
  • Use room temperature ingredients to ensure even mixing and a smoother texture.
  • Gradually add powdered sugar to cream cheese frosting to achieve desired thickness without over-sweetening.
  • Don’t overmix the batter to avoid a dense cake; gently fold in dry ingredients until just combined.
  • Allow the cake to cool completely before frosting to prevent the frosting from melting or sliding off.
Pioneer Woman Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting
Pioneer Woman Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting

🍧 What To Serve With Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting?

Serve Banana Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting alongside a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a drizzle of caramel sauce for added sweetness a cup of coffee or tea makes a great pairing, enhancing the cake’s flavors fresh berries can add a tart contrast.

🎚 How To Store Leftovers Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting?

  • Refrigerator: To store Leftovers Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting place it in an airtight container and refrigerate for up to 3-4 days.
  • Freezer: To freeze wrap Leftovers Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting individual slices or the whole cake tightly in plastic wrap and aluminum foil then store in the freezer for up to 2-3 months.

🥵 How To Reheat Leftovers Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting?

  • In The Microwave: Microwave Leftovers Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting individual slices on high for 15-30 seconds until warm.
  • In The Oven Toaster: Place Leftovers Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting slices in a toaster oven at 350°F for 5-10 minutes.
  • In The Oven: Wrap Leftovers Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting slices in aluminum foil and reheat in a preheated oven at 300°F for 10-15 minutes.


How Do You Prevent Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting From Becoming Dense?

Prevent banana cake with cream cheese frosting from becoming dense by avoiding overmixing the batter. Overmixing can develop too much gluten, resulting in a dense texture. Incorporate the dry ingredients until just combined, and avoid overmixing to maintain a lighter texture.

How Do You Know When Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting Is Done Baking?

Know when banana cake with cream cheese frosting is done baking by inserting a toothpick into the center. If it comes out clean or with a few crumbs clinging to it, the cake is ready, the cake should spring back lightly when touched in the center.

How Do You Prevent The Cream Cheese Frosting From Melting On Banana Cake?

Prevent cream cheese frosting from melting on banana cake by ensuring the cake is completely cooled before frosting. Room temperature frosting on a cool cake helps maintain its structure and prevents melting.

Can You Add Lemon Zest To Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting?

Yes, you can add lemon zest to banana cake with cream cheese frosting for a refreshing twist. Lemon zest adds a bright citrus flavor that complements the sweetness of the banana and richness of the cream cheese frosting. Just be mindful not to add too much zest to overpower the other flavors.

Try More Pioneer Woman Recipe: 

Pioneer Woman Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Serving

  • Calories: 565kcal
  • Carbohydrates: 79g
  • Protein: 5g
  • Fat: 27g
  • Saturated Fat: 16g
  • Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g
  • Monounsaturated Fat: 7g
  • Trans Fat: 1g
  • Cholesterol: 98mg
  • Sodium: 339mg
  • Potassium: 229mg
  • Fiber: 2g
  • Sugar: 58g
  • Vitamin A: 911IU
  • Vitamin C: 4mg
  • Calcium: 52mg
  • Iron: 1mg

Pioneer Woman Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 30 minutesCook time: 40 minutesRest time: minutesTotal time:1 hour 10 minutesServings:12 servingsCalories:565 kcal Best Season:Suitable throughout the year


This Pioneer Woman Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting recipe is made with all-purpose flour, baking soda, salt, butter, sugar, eggs, sour cream, vanilla extract, bananas, cream cheese, and powdered sugar. It takes 70 minutes to make and serves 12 people.


    For The Banana Cake

  • For The Cream Cheese Frosting


  1. Warm the oven up to 350° and spray two 8-inch cake pans with nonstick spray right before you fill them.
  2. Banana Cake

  3. Mix the butter and sugar in a big bowl until they are smooth.
  4. After you add the eggs and mix them in, add the sour cream and vanilla and mix them in again.
  5. Then, add the salt, baking soda, and flour. Beat just until everything is mixed together.
    Add the mashed bananas and mix everything together.
  6. Spread the batter evenly into the cake pans that have been prepared. Bake for about 35 to 40 minutes, or until a toothpick stuck in the middle comes out clean.
  7. Cream Cheese Frosting

  8. Mix the cream cheese and butter in a medium bowl until they are well mixed. Then add the vanilla.
  9. Slowly add the powdered sugar and beat it in until it’s smooth and creamy.
    After the cake has cooled, frost it and enjoy!


  • Ensure bananas are fully ripe for optimal sweetness and flavor.
    Use room temperature ingredients to ensure even mixing and a smoother texture.
    Gradually add powdered sugar to cream cheese frosting to achieve desired thickness without over-sweetening.
    Don’t overmix the batter to avoid a dense cake; gently fold in dry ingredients until just combined.
    Allow the cake to cool completely before frosting to prevent the frosting from melting or sliding off.
Keywords:Pioneer Woman Banana Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting

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