Pioneer Woman Rosemary Dinner Rolls

Pioneer Woman Rosemary Dinner Rolls

Pioneer Woman’s Rosemary Dinner Rolls are made with frozen rolls, butter, rosemary, and sea salt resulting in a fluffy, moist treat that takes 3 hours and 20 minutes to prepare!

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🤎 Why You’ll Love This Rosemary Dinner Rolls Recipe:

  • Easy Preparation: With frozen rolls as the base, this recipe streamlines the process, making it accessible even for novice bakers.
  • Fragrant Addition: The fresh rosemary adds a delightful aroma and flavor to the rolls, elevating them from ordinary to extraordinary.
  • Buttery Indulgence: Coating the rolls in melted butter before baking creates a golden, buttery crust that’s irresistibly delicious.
  • Versatile Appeal: Whether served as a side for dinner or as a standalone snack, these rolls are versatile and can be enjoyed on various occasions.

❓ What Is Pioneer’s Woman Rosemary Dinner Rolls Recipe?

Pioneer Woman’s Rosemary Dinner Rolls Recipe combines frozen rolls rise in a skillet, and then baked with rosemary, butter, and sea salt.

Pioneer Woman Rosemary Dinner Rolls
Pioneer Woman Rosemary Dinner Rolls

🧈 Pioneer Woman Rosemary Dinner Rolls Ingredients

  • Frozen, Unbaked Dinner Rolls
  • Melted Butter, Regular, Salted
  • Fresh Rosemary, Coarsely Chopped
  • Coarse Sea Salt

🥯 How To Make Pioneer Woman Rosemary Dinner Rolls

  1. Coat a small iron skillet with olive oil or cooking spray. Place the frozen rolls in the skillet, giving them plenty of room to rise. Let it sit for a few hours covered to rise.
  2. Apply melted butter to the buns once they have risen.
  3. Toss in chopped rosemary. Add more butter and brush it on. Toss with coarse sea salt.
  4. Bake the rolls at 400 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes, or as directed on the package until they have a deep golden brown top.
  5. Put the skillet on the table.

💭 Recipe Tips

  • Room for Rising: Ensure the frozen rolls have enough space in the skillet to expand as they rise. Overcrowding can result in uneven baking and dense rolls.
  • Fresh is Best: Opt for fresh rosemary rather than dried for maximum flavor. The fragrant oils in fresh herbs will infuse the rolls with a vibrant taste.
  • Seasoning Balance: Adjust the amount of coarse sea salt to your preference. Remember, a little goes a long way, so start with a small amount and add more if needed.
  • Watch Closely: Keep an eye on the rolls while they bake to prevent them from over-browning. Every oven is different, so adjust the baking time accordingly to achieve the perfect golden-brown hue.
Pioneer Woman Rosemary Dinner Rolls
Pioneer Woman Rosemary Dinner Rolls

🍗What To Serve With Rosemary Dinner Rolls?

Serve Rosemary Dinner Rolls with Peanut Chicken Pasta ,Sausage Kale White Bean Soup, Egg Roll Bowls, Kung Pao Chicken , Peach Whiskey Chicken, Tangy Tomato Brisket, Beef Bourguignon, Coconut Shrimp Salad and Cowboy Salad.

🎚 How To Store Leftovers Rosemary Dinner Rolls?

  • At Room Temperature: Keep leftover rosemary dinner rolls in an airtight container for up to 2 days.
  • In The Fridge: Refrigerate tightly wrapped leftover rosemary dinner rolls for 7 to 14 days.
  • In The Freezer: Frezee leftover rosemary dinner rolls in a freezer-safe bag for up to 3 months.

🥵 How To Reheat Leftovers Rosemary Dinner Rolls?

  • In The Oven: Wrap leftover rosemary dinner rolls in foil and heat at 250°F for 5 minutes or until warm.
  • In The Microwave: Wrap leftover rosemary dinner rolls in a damp paper towel and heat in 10-second intervals.
  • In The Air Fryer: Heat leftover rosemary dinner rolls in an air fryer basket at 350°F for 2 minutes until warmed through.


Why did my rosemary dinner rolls turn out dense?

Dense rosemary dinner rolls may occur due to insufficient rising time, often caused by low room temperature.

Why did my rosemary dinner rolls turn out dry?

Your rosemary dinner rolls might turn out dry due to overbaking, which can cause moisture loss, resulting in a less tender texture.

How do you fix hard rosemary dinner rolls?

To soften hard rosemary dinner rolls, dampen them with a tea towel or wet hands before reheating them in the oven.

How do you know when rosemary dinner rolls are done?

Check for a deep golden brown top and tapping the bottom for a hollow sound, indicating they’re fully baked.

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Pioneer Woman Rosemary Dinner Rolls Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Serving

  • Calories 76
  • Total Fat 1.8g
  • Saturated Fat 0.4g
  • Cholesterol 0mg
  • Sodium 147mg
  • Potassium 32.2mg
  • Total Carbohydrates 13g
  • Dietary Fiber 1.1g
  • Sugars 0.5g
  • Protein 2.4g

Pioneer Woman Rosemary Dinner Rolls

Difficulty:BeginnerPrep time: 5 minutesCook time: 15 minutesRest time:3 hours Total time:3 hours 20 minutesServings:7 servingsCalories:76 kcal Best Season:Suitable throughout the year


Pioneer Woman’s Rosemary Dinner Rolls are made with frozen rolls, butter, rosemary, and sea salt resulting in a fluffy, moist treat that takes 3 hours and 20 minutes to prepare!



  1. Coat a small iron skillet with olive oil or cooking spray. Place the frozen rolls in the skillet, giving them plenty of room to rise. Let it sit for a few hours covered to rise.
  2. Apply melted butter to the buns once they have risen.
  3. Toss in chopped rosemary. Add more butter and brush it on. Toss with coarse sea salt.
  4. Bake the rolls at 400 degrees for 15 to 20 minutes, or as directed on the package until they have a deep golden brown top.
  5. Put the skillet on the table.


  • Room for Rising: Ensure the frozen rolls have enough space in the skillet to expand as they rise. Overcrowding can result in uneven baking and dense rolls.
    Fresh is Best: Opt for fresh rosemary rather than dried for maximum flavor. The fragrant oils in fresh herbs will infuse the rolls with a vibrant taste.
    Seasoning Balance: Adjust the amount of coarse sea salt to your preference. Remember, a little goes a long way, so start with a small amount and add more if needed.
    Watch Closely: Keep an eye on the rolls while they bake to prevent them from over-browning. Every oven is different, so adjust the baking time accordingly to achieve the perfect golden-brown hue.
Keywords:Pioneer Woman Rosemary Dinner Rolls

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